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New Golden Compass Themed MUCK Needs Ideas + Players

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:40 pm
by Brooke
Hello all!

I'm a college student that's been RPing for 8 years and staffing for 5, and after reading the first His Dark Materials novel, I realized the severe lack of any Golden Compass themed MU*s still alive on the net (I found the one that used to be here, but it's already gone =( ). So, since I figured most wizards-to-be are simply lacking a server and a programmer, I figured I'd get the ball rolling (as I have access to both). Unfortunately, as I'm already a full-time student and a wizard on two other MUCKs (they're relatively small, but time-consuming nonetheless), I really can't trust myself to be able to maintain what promises to be a popular MU* beyond its original creation.

So, I'm in need of players who are interested in both the HDM series and staffing a MUCK (previous experience is not necessarily a requirement for minor staff, as I'm willing to 'tutor', but would be for the intended headwizard) to help us form the place and get it off the ground.

If you're interested in potentially helping out as a wizard or just giving your input (we need both!), please visit the working discussion forum at: -- If you're interested in staffing, please send me a PM there, or else email me directly at


Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:17 am
by Blossom
Hi there. I'd be interested in helping out, maybe staffing once it's up. Good luck with it:)

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:37 pm
by Diolmhain
I'd be interested in helping... no experience at all but.. erm...

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:32 am
by Brooke
You don't necessarily need experience to help out -- just your thoughts and opinions alone are more than enough help to the rest of us. ^^

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:59 am
by Leif
So... what's a MUCK?

The wiki article sucks, sorry.

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:39 am
by Trystobefunny
So... what's a MUCK?

The wiki article sucks, sorry.

Yeah I was going to ask the same thing...but i didnt want to look stupid for asking. Thanks Feline Seven. :roll:

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:54 pm
by Diolmhain
Me three...

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:44 am
by Brooke
A MUCK is a text-based roleplaying game that utilizes a program called telnet (already on Windows PCs). It's essentially best described as a mix between forum-based RP and MMORPGs like Everquest/WoW - the RP is written out (rather than using 3D visual images), but it allows a great deal of interactivity beyond what you get in a simple text-based environment.

For instance, you can 'look' at rooms, characters, and objects, and easily move in between areas, and generally just have the potential for a lot of interactivity (example - on one MUCK I'm on, there was a plot that involved a disease epidemic, and we had a program that randomly assigned symptoms and staggered the time of onset for every character, as well as a 'maze' that allowed characters to progress from room to room upon learning various 'clues' provided by NPCs). It's also a real-time environment (think of it as a big chat room), versus the usually slower pace of forum-based RPs.

Hope that helps. ^^ Any further questions, I'll be happy to answer.

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:02 pm
by Brooke
Hey all! daemon MUCK is now open for 'beta-testing', in the sense that while we're not "officially" open, we are allowing players to apply for characters and begin roleplaying! This is essentially a private invitation to any interested RPers on to come and check us out, and provide any feedback you might have. Around the beginning of summer, we'll have an official grand opening for all others to join and the like.

If you're interested in checking us out and possibly getting a character of your own, please see the application instructions at the end of this thread: ... &thread=10

Thanks for those of you who offered your support, and we hope to see you around soon!

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:11 am
by Brooke
A request has been made for some basic information on how to connect and essentially navigate through a MUCK system, so I tossed up something quick and to the point here: ... &thread=18

It will probably be expanded later, but at least now it should be able to get you onto the MUCK proper to where you can then ask helpstaff for additional assistance if needed. Hope that helps anyone who was wanting to look around but may have been confused about where to start!

Re: His Dark Materials-Themed MUCK Needs Staff + Ideas

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:42 pm
by Diolmhain
My character is now pretty much ready...


Re: New Golden Compass Themed MUCK Needs Ideas + Players

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:05 pm
by Diolmhain
(this isn't really and truly a double post as the above is unrelated)

I joined a few days ago, today i've came in to set up my character and realised that i'd forgotten my password and hadn't written it down anywhere...
could you help me here..
The name was Jack_Edge... if you can get it please mail it to

Thanks a million

Re: New Golden Compass Themed MUCK Needs Ideas + Players

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:17 am
by Brooke
Sorry about that, Diolmhain -- hadn't checked here in a while! I emailed you back, though.

Anyway, I'm updating this thread to let everyone know that we're having our official grand opening on Friday, May 16th -- this doesn't mean too much aside from the promise of RP with others and that you can now invite your friends, but we are definitely open to player suggestions for plots and such this summer (and beyond!).

So if you haven't already checked us out, please do so, and we hope to see you soon!