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The Society For The Protection of His Dark Materials website

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:42 pm
by Soapy
Well, it's finally happened. I have learned how to make a website, use html (which isn't all taht difficult) and there is now a website for the Society's cause.

It's here for now.

If anyone wants to help me improve it feel free to offer :)

Link is also in my sig where the banner is.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:00 pm
by bethanwy
The Society for teh win!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:48 am
by Calix
I'm not averse to the film (I'll judge it after I watch it), but I think the site's a good idea for you people who're against it. :P

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:30 pm
by Peter
Soaps, I don't think the text is bright enough. I'm finding it rather hard to read. Why not try this:
Code: Select all
<body bgcolor="#000000" background="" text="#ff0000" link="#008000" alink="#32cd32" vlink="#800000">
In addition the HTML validator produces 29 warnings, but they're probably not terribly significant.

As for "Literature"!!!!! :oops: :lol: But thanks for the exposure. :)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:09 pm
by Soapy
Soaps, I don't think the text is bright enough. I'm finding it rather hard to read. Why not try this:
Code: Select all
<body bgcolor="#000000" background="" text="#ff0000" link="#008000" alink="#32cd32" vlink="#800000">

In addition the HTML validator produces 29 warnings, but they're probably not terribly significant.

Rosie couldn't read it either but I haven't had a problem reading it and most people said it was ok. Will change font to lighter red

As for "Literature"!!!!! :oops: :lol: But thanks for the exposure. :)

I figured the Pan Perplex could sort of be our...I dunno....not a 'holy' text but something that does the job of a holy text. Encorporates our fears and whatnot.

I've been meaning to speak to you about it. Is that OK?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 7:36 pm
by Will
You have a bitmap as your background image. *winces* That's 2MB for everyone to download when they visit; JPG that!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:54 am
by Somewhat
Very good site. I personally hate Angelfire, though: I have a few adless web hosts I can suggest. Or maybe Will can host it, can't you Will? :P

Hehe. Pan, like Teflon.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:33 am
by Soapy
You have a bitmap as your background image. *winces* That's 2MB for everyone to download when they visit; JPG that!
Just what angelfire uploaded it as. Removed it now anyway, wasn't doing very much.

Is the lighter red better?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:58 am
by KittyKat
*twirls in to site advirtisement, singing*
lalalala...the link won't work for me. but i'm sure the site is very good. good luck.
*twirls out*

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:57 pm
by Peter
You have a bitmap as your background image. *winces* That's 2MB for everyone to download when they visit; JPG that!
Just what angelfire uploaded it as. Removed it now anyway, wasn't doing very much.

Is the lighter red better?
Oh yes. Here are a few more thoughts:

- Find alternative hosting, especially if it's ad-free! Then tell me where it is :)

- Rent a domain name. For example, I rent from 1&1 for approx GBP10 p.a. This may not be the best deal going, look around. This cost only covers the domain name. I host on Geocities.

- There'a a later version of TPP on You have my permission to snag the text and put it up on your site, credited accordingly.

- TPP is rather out of date. Why not run a comp to write a newer, better version? Then put the winner up on your site.

- Link to other HDM sites, even (gasp) HDM.ORG. Get them to link to you.

Any more ideas?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:57 pm
by Missy_Me
:killingme: it's funny :killingme: But a nice site :smiley:
Philip Pullman "if you don`t like the thought of seeing the story on the screen - don`t go and see it."
Well, it doesn't really says he's against it..:?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:40 pm
by bethanwy
:killingme: it's funny :killingme:
Why is it funny?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:16 pm
by Soapy
:killingme: it's funny :killingme: But a nice site :smiley:
Philip Pullman "if you don`t like the thought of seeing the story on the screen - don`t go and see it."
Well, it doesn't really says he's against it..:?
I never said he did.

Peter, I will be having other people's writing put onto the site. I'm talking to The Raevyn now about her rant against the films (although it'll be edited I expect) and I expect I'll be asking other people to write some stuff too.

I just re-read TPP from your site and I don't think it's out of date. I think it really does represent some of the inherent problems present in making a film for His Dark Materials. Stop being so modest, Peter! :)

I will change the hosting and all that, eventually. Right now I'm trying to get to grips with this website business.

Will contact people as soon as I get my spine fixed :P

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:49 pm
by Tristan
- Find alternative hosting, especially if it's ad-free!
I think someone already mentioned Google Pages: ad-free, and the only thing you need to sign up is a gmail account, for which I'd be happy to provide an invite if you don't already have one. You'd get 100MB of space instead of 20MB, giving you plenty of room to grow, and a WYSIWYG editor to help as you're learning the HTML. And really, it would only take a matter of seconds to transfer the files you've already created on Angelfire over, so there's not much incentive to stay with a service that's going to slap ads all across your page.

When it comes to domain names, if you'd rather not spend anything on one just yet, you can always get a free .tk URL ( People would be far more likely to come back if they can remember the address.

Oh, and Peter had a good point about running a competition to write a newer, better version of TPP: whether you think it's out of date as a piece or not, having people compete--and starting with something that many people are already aware of--would get them involved with the site, and you would have the beginnings of the community that will be essential to the site's growth if you intend for it to be anything more than a mission statement and a list of members.

Finally, I'm sure opposition groups rose in the past for Lord of the Rings and other such adaptations. Take a look at their sites, how they were structured, how they covered news, how frequently they updated, and how they got people to come back--or how they screwed things up, as the case may be.

Best of luck--even if I am curious to see how the movie turns out :)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:53 pm
by Soapy
- Find alternative hosting, especially if it's ad-free!
I think someone already mentioned Google Pages: ad-free, and the only thing you need to sign up is a gmail account, for which I'd be happy to provide an invite if you don't already have one. You'd get 100MB of space instead of 20MB, giving you plenty of room to grow, and a WYSIWYG editor to help as you're learning the HTML. And really, it would only take a matter of seconds to transfer the files you've already created on Angelfire over, so there's not much incentive to stay with a service that's going to slap ads all across your page.
Oooh, that sounds great. Could I have an invite please?

The editor on angelfire is really annoying because you either have to stick within the basic editor which is boring or use the advance which means you have to learn html fast.

Only problem with the competition is that I'm not sure anyone would give it a try, and...what would they win anyway? I'm going to be getting everyone (who wants to) to contribute and have their own writing on the site. When (or if) it grows and there's more than 23 members a competition is a very good idea to get people involved.

(Edit: Having said that, i've started thinking.....)

Bethan is currently starting a thread over on Cittagazze about the Society.

I will definitely look at anti-HP and lotr film sites, see what they did and all that.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:57 pm
by bethanwy
Bethan is currently starting a thread over on Cittagazze about the Society.
Yep. It's here.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:58 pm
by Missy_Me
:killingme: it's funny :killingme:
Why is it funny?
Well, I don't know. The first thing I read was, uhmm here:
What do we believe?
And that souded so funny.. :roll: Like a protest with someone screaming that.. :roll: :roll:
:Pit's a bit weird reason actually.. :oops: but it was funny..:killingme:

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:02 pm
by bethanwy
Like a protest with someone screaming that..
It is a protest. And we shall be screaming.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:44 pm
by Peter
The editor on angelfire is really annoying because you either have to stick within the basic editor which is boring or use the advance which means you have to learn html fast.
The editor on Google Pages is somewhat restrictive. I've tried porting to it, but been frustrated by the canned home page styles. This can be worked around, I gues, but I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:51 pm
by bethanwy
Sophie was having problems with it this morning. It was pissing her off.