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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Spoilers allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:32 am
by jordan college girl
Hours before the book comes out I have developed a crazy pointless insignificant theory but I wanted dibs on it in case it comes true. I want to be the one who thought of it before reading the book. Ahem... A new potion will be invented the will restore the minds of Frank and Alice Longbottom and they are going to kick butt.

Thank you very much.

Also, this time its a real theory, I think that Snape loved Lily while they were at school. I think he admired her potions abilities and her confidence, however because he couldn't ask her out/ or she refused, he turned nasty to her face, but secretly loved her the rest of his life. This also gave him another reason to loathe James, because he won Snape's girl.

Split from the general HP thread now that the book has been released.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:22 am
by Darragh
jordan college girl wrote:Hours before the book comes out I have developed a crazy pointless insignificant theory but I wanted dibs on it in case it comes true. I want to be the one who thought of it before reading the book. Ahem... A new potion will be invented the will restore the minds of Frank and Alice Longbottom and they are going to kick butt.

Thank you very much.

Also, this time its a real theory, I think that Snape loved Lily while they were at school. I think he admired her potions abilities and her confidence, however because he couldn't ask her out/ or she refused, he turned nasty to her face, but secretly loved her the rest of his life. This also gave him another reason to loathe James, because he won Snape's girl.

Mmmm...hmmmm...nah, I wont say anything. ;)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:40 am
by Vicinity of Obscenity
Darragh wrote:
jordan college girl wrote:Hours before the book comes out I have developed a crazy pointless insignificant theory but I wanted dibs on it in case it comes true. I want to be the one who thought of it before reading the book. Ahem... A new potion will be invented the will restore the minds of Frank and Alice Longbottom and they are going to kick butt.

Thank you very much.

Also, this time its a real theory, I think that Snape loved Lily while they were at school. I think he admired her potions abilities and her confidence, however because he couldn't ask her out/ or she refused, he turned nasty to her face, but secretly loved her the rest of his life. This also gave him another reason to loathe James, because he won Snape's girl.

Mmmm...hmmmm...nah, I wont say anything. ;)

Oh great now I have to read about Snape's whiny ass.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:59 am
by Aletheia Dolorosa
AAAAAAAAARGGGGGHHHHHHHH. I got about 300 pages in and then had to give the book up to my sister.

*punches self repeatedly in the head*

The not-knowingness is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:23 am
by Ian
But we're now and it's exciting! I'm only about 200 pages in (too much employment sadly), but it's all good so far I think. Just off to sell some more a bit later...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:16 pm
by rats_rox
I finished a few hours ago, and have been crying non stop! I went to get it at midnight last night with a couple of my friends and we were near the front (we got there at about 9 ish). We painted our selves green with face paint and dressed up, alot of people wanted their picture taken with us, the strange green people! We also got interviewed by the local paper and radio station! :D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:39 pm
by Qu Klaani
Im so glad I took such stringent anti-spoiler measures, quitting the internet and television entirely. It was slow in parts, especially early on, but the last few year chapters were absolutely stunning, admittedly a few things were a bit too perfectly resolved, but jesus it was just so good.

I might go into detail later, if I can be bothered, but for now:


Moment of the series, bar none.

Edit: Oh and finally, almost a clear reference to sex in a potter book, I mean seriously, what the hell else was Ginny offering "to remember her by."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:39 pm
by Jaya
You know, I thought that swearing was really badly timed (and you spelt daughter wrong, by the by). But whatever, it's canon now.

My favourite part was:



Got to Waterstones just before 9 to be second in the queue which meant I got to enjoy the best part of waiting....waving my book at the people at the end of the queue come midnight, pretending to read it and gasping/crying etc. Had just enough time to yell at a couple of people I knew that the internet was true before I was dragged off...

Is this allowed to be a spoilerific zone, yet?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:55 pm
by bethanwy
Very, very good. The last few chapters especially.
But I almost cried when I saw "Nineteen years later."
JKR, how could you?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:09 pm
by Qu Klaani
You know, I thought that swearing was really badly timed (and you spelt daughter wrong, by the by). But whatever, it's canon now.

Well it was that or the usual, "Molly shouted something not very nice, which I wont write because some children might get upset" which you get throughout the rest of the series. A quick trawl of the internet reveals a fair bit of griping about the epilogue, which was admittedly very sappy, but I didnt mind because it was basically a nice happy resolution for all the kids, and it was totally worth it just to see Harry describe Snape as "the bravest man I ever knew." Snape owns this series, entirely, hes just the best thing ever. Oh and also, the whole Hermione Ron thing took so long to be resolved that when she did eventually kiss him the happiness was more of relief than anything else. Oh and did anyone else, when those two disapeared for no apparent reason get certain ideas?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:13 pm
by Jez
Read it, loved it. I'm possibly still high on hype and finally knowing what happens right now, so maybe it won't seem as good when I come to reread it. But still. Awesome stuff, the second half especially. :)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:20 pm
by Jaya
Oh yeah, did I mention that I liked it too? Wasn't THAT pleased at the epilogue ( what to expect...) because I didn't really think it was particularly informative about the future...but...okay.

At least the fanfiction world can blossom.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:26 pm
by Qu Klaani
Just remembered some of the Dumbledore stuff, but did anyone else get a somewhat disturbing impression from the whole revelation about some "muggle boys" going too far in attacking his sister. I mean its never at all stated what they actually did, but it basically completly broke her, so, y'know...but that'd be some ridiculously dark ~*pineapples*~ for a kid's book, even harry potter.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:49 pm
Just finished it-free download of the tinternet.

Have to say I had a laugh last night watching all the 6 or 7 year olds lining up in the middle of the high street being relentlessly abused by drunks pouring out of the pubs. Felt sorry for them though-but what do you expect if you stand next to the Black Horse at 12 witha wizards hat on?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:08 pm
by Diolmhain
Heh i lined up last night... the little kiddies in their costues were so sweet...

Near the end they took out their wands and began curising the bookshop's muggle staff...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:36 pm
by Qu Klaani
Just remembered something else, after they escape the Ministry theres some confusing stuff including some reference to Hermione, ron and kissing, and I was completly stumped, I even read back over the previous few pages to try and figure out what the hell was being reffered to, but couldnt. Just found the bit again:
Hermione was watching Ron fret over the fate of the Cattermoles, and there was such tenderness in her expression that harry felt almost as if he had surprised her in the act of kissing him.

I mean, what was that all about?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:01 pm
by Jaya
I read that bit twice over too. I think it meant Harry kind of felt he'd stumbled on some sort of intimate moment. Like the way he'd feel if he walked in on them kissing. Except they weren't kissing and Ron was fretting over Cattermoles, which isn't exactly intimate which leads to confusion with the sentence which was evidently badly...phrased...or something.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:14 pm
by Qu Klaani
Evidently Hermione gets off on Ron showing compassion. The whole last three books have been full of annoying little "ooh...nearly" moments with those two, and she didnt need to drag it out as long as she did to my mind. Probably because Im a bit stupidly romantic or something I was just desperate for it to finally happen, and I inevitably grinned like a drunk when it did. For example, when Ron comes back and says sorry and says something like "what do you want me to say" to hermy's anger and she says something like he knows what he should say, I was absolutley desperate for him to say he loved her, would have been nice. But somehow in potter-verse two teenagers who are incredibly close and spend everyday together and are quite frankly obsessed with each other somehow manage not to be all over each other all the time. I swear I still almost believe they were secretly all over each other everytime Harry's head is turned, I mean come on, falling asleep holding hands, how the hell did it take them so long to actually make the jump to the proper stuff, two 18 year olds ffs..

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:30 pm
by Jaya
Yeah...(I'm a Ron/Hermione shipper)....I always felt that they've probably been at it behind Harry's back for a while before... and if they weren't then they SHOULD HAVE BEEN. Honestly, it was far too obvious, even by the end of GoF... they couldn't IGNORE it... But the characters (and by "characters" here I mean Ron) were just stupid and... I was all 'what on earth?' when Ron went round snogging Lavender for the majority of the last book. Why are boys so oblivious? :/

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:05 pm
by bethanwy
angelofboox wrote:Yeah...(I'm a Ron/Hermione shipper)....I always felt that they've probably been at it behind Harry's back for a while before... and if they weren't then they SHOULD HAVE BEEN. Honestly, it was far too obvious, even by the end of GoF... they couldn't IGNORE it... But the characters (and by "characters" here I mean Ron) were just stupid and... I was all 'what on earth?' when Ron went round snogging Lavender for the majority of the last book. Why are boys so oblivious? :/

They're silly. I was happy with the Ron/Hermione stuff, but silly Ginny had to go and marry Harry. (rhymes!) I wouldn't have taken him back.