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Teh best classics

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Re: Teh best classics

Postby Mockingbird » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:27 pm

Adding The Portrait of a Lady to my list, even though I feel that I have only skimmed the surface of what it has to offer. Since reading it, I went through a modest sampling of Henry James' shorter works, as well as his earlier and later novels. I'm astounded by the richness of his prose and thoughts in general, but I'm still completely dazzled by that first story.
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Re: Teh best classics

Postby tyche » Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:48 pm

I love pretty much everything by Jane Austen, especially Sense and Sensibility and most of Shakespeare especially Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing.
Catch 22, Animal Farm, Brave New World.
Going back a bit further, The Aenied "You hoped o treacherous one that you could cover up even such wrong, and silent, leave my land?" Love it.
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