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Quick Question Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2003 3:49 pm
by Will
Got a quick question about HDM that needs answering? Ask it here.

Quick Question - Who was Martin Lanselius?
Not Quick Question - When do daemons appear?

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 11:57 pm
by TheLadyofShalott
good idea!

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2003 10:06 pm
by lostinthought451
Who WAS Martin Lansielus? oh carp, I spelled it wrong.

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 12:01 am
by eloquent
He was the witch consul at Trollesund.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 1:14 am
by Carina
Uh yeah, my friend and I were arguing over what color Lyra's eyes are, so what color do you all think they are?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:27 pm
by Omelette-Boy
Umm yeah this is totally unrelated to HDM...but how do I get the avatar thing? How does that work?

Help me please!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:46 pm
by eloquent
You have to link to a picture on another website (the upload thing doesn't work). Put the URL of the image into the offsite image box on the profile page (I can host if you want you have your own you want to use).

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:34 am
by Sparrow
Lyra's eyes are blue, I think it says it in the third book. It took me till my third read-through to notice it, though, hehe.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:06 pm
by TheLadyofShalott
This is a fanfic question: Do they have mascara in Lyra's world??? HELP???

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:12 pm
by jessia
just look up whether or not they had mascara in the victorian times of our world... lyra's world and our world's victorian era seem pretty similar, technology-wise. and all sorts of make up have existed for thousands of years... though the levels of arsenic in powder used to be quite high... but yeah, look up victorian cosmetics.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:21 pm
by lostinthought451
umm....what was that reporter's name at Mrs. Coulter's party?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:47 pm
by Tristan
Adèle Starminster

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 3:51 pm
by lostinthought451
thanx i had it on the tip of my tongue... :P

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:05 pm
by Will
What a hippy she could be with that name.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:34 am
by eniamrahc
um...i saw this somewhere on the HDM site but i forgot where it is. anyway, how do you make the letters for asaehattr letters stick together?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 2:27 pm
by Loriel
I suppose you want #230? æ
You can usually produce it by keeping CTRL and ALT pressed while typing 230 (or 0230? Not sure) on the numblock.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:06 am
by eniamrahc
I'll try it...hmm...didn't work. Never mind and thanks anyway.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:41 am
by eloquent
Works for me... Are you on PC or mac?

edit= holding just alt then pressing 0230 on the keypad does it for me actually

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:40 am
by Qwazzerman
Yeah, that's the one I use. But another way is hold ALT down and type 145 on the numberpad.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:50 am
by Rose of Sharon
On a macintosh keyboard, I think you can get the smushed ae by pressing option and the quote marks button: æ