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His Dark Materials--Musical??

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His Dark Materials--Musical??

Postby WimpyTourist » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:11 am

Let's be honest here, we're all fans, but the movie didn't go so hot--it went better overseas but in the US and the UK there was a lot of controversy, and we're never getting a sequel. I was thinking though, wouldn't it be kind of awesome of it was made into a musical?
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Re: His Dark Materials--Musical??

Postby Jaya » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:22 pm


I jest, I jest, maybe it could work... The Stage Play was quite a good adaptation (though many passionate fans were, of course, upset by the removal of the Mary Malone/Mulefa storyline, amongst a few other changes). It was also in two parts, which meant there was a lot more time (than a stage play or musical would normally allow) to stay true to the book and include as much as was possible. While I can see some elements of the story translating well into song (maybe Lord Asriel's power hungry madness...), I think having Baruch and Balthamos do a love song with jazz hands might detract from the overall gravity of His Dark Materials. Perhaps it would work better as a tragic opera? :shifty:
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Re: His Dark Materials--Musical??

Postby WimpyTourist » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:43 pm

Yeah, I was actually thinking about the musical Les Miserables, or The Phantom of the Opera -- something dark. In a High School Musical 1/2/3 kind of way, there could be three separate ones.
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Re: His Dark Materials--Musical??

Postby zemarl » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:30 am

*whimpers at the comparison to hsm* yeah, i get it. les mis actually has at least two parts as a novel.. but i don't know of other musical series.

i'd be interested to see a musical, i think... done well of course. honestly i'm dead jealous of everyone who got to see the stage play adaptations, since it's not something i've heard of done here. theatre (sung and otherwise) has a charm for which i'm weak.

if you've (or if anyone reading this has) written any songs that might do well for a his dark materials musical, by all means share with us!
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